Insights on Engaging Firearm Retailers and Owners in Suicide Prevention Efforts from Joe Bartozzi

On May 24th, the FSP Learning Cohort hosted a conversation with Joseph Bartozzi, President and CEO of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF). During the discussion, Bartozzi shared valuable insights into perspectives commonly held by firearm owners and retailers and provided the Cohort with actionable strategies for engaging these stakeholder groups in their own communities.

Key Lessons

Encouraging Voluntary Action on Safe Storage

Bartozzi emphasized the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s commitment to protecting 2nd Amendment rights and that promoting voluntary safe storage practices in no way conflicted with that right, stating, "We are a member of the gun industry, we would certainly not do anything that would be in conflict with anyone's rights under the 2nd Amendment… we just want to offer options and make people think [about safe firearm behaviors].”

The Messenger Matters

One of the overarching takeaways from Bartozzi's talk was the significance of the messenger when engaging the firearm community. He emphasized the importance of having messengers check their biases, as the firearm community is often wary of those they perceive as outsiders. He stated, "The messenger matters … And I can tell you, without making generalizations, gun owners can smell BS a mile away. And if you don't, as the practitioner, check your biases at the door, that's going to become abundantly clear to the person you're trying to reach." Overall, Bartozzi emphasized the need to first build trust and rapport with the firearm community was a necessary first step to any prevention efforts, just as is the case with almost any stakeholder group.

Acknowledging Passion and Knowledge

Bartozzi also underscored the importance of acknowledging the firearm community’s passion and expertise when engaging them, saying, "You have to acknowledge their existence. You have to acknowledge that there are people that are very passionate about this thing." By committing to further their understanding of firearms, such as by taking a basic gun safety class or gaining a cursory knowledge of firearm terminology, community leaders can demonstrate to firearm communities that their perspectives are valued in the creation of community-based solutions.

Joseph Bartozzi has served as President and CEO of the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), the national firearm trade association in the United States, since 2018. Before joining NSSF he spent 32 years with Mossberg, working in a variety of roles. Through Mossberg and FSSP, Bartozzi has engaged in numerous initiatives promoting education and best practices around firearm safety.


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